Puces Pop this weekend

  For those of you looking for holiday gifts, or a crafty weekend activity, come by Puces Pop this weekend and check out some of Montreal's best ha...

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fast asleep in their beds

Any last minute requests or comments, everybody? Because I am one tired soap empire builder, and I'm about ready to take a mini-break for a few day...

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where we'll be

If you're looking for ways to buy Dot & Lil items as holiday gifts, this post is for you. You can find us at any of these shows in the upcoming...

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a weekend to remember

Just a reminder that this coming weekend is a crazy Dot & Lil shopping one. We'll be at three shows simultaneously, spreading the soapy goodnes...

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last show of the season

Dot & Lil (& Anne!) wish you happy holidays! Hope to see you one last time this year, at the Rusty Plum Holiday Market, Saturday December 1...

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Some of the team's spring favourites, perfect for decorating your Easter brunch table, including in Easter baskets or rewarding your spring cleaning.

xoxo, Anne & the Dot & Lil Team