flower bath: DIY workshop at west elm|bain de fleurs: atelier DIY chez west elm


Anne will be teaching a Flower Bath workshop at West Elm Montréal this Saturday. Learn about DIY beauty + skincare ingredients, and leave with a custom bath salt or milk bath! Cost is only $9.

Signup is HERE.

west elm workshop

sel bain aux fleurs DIY

DIY flower bath workshop at west elm montreal

Signup is HERE.


Anne enseignera un atelier Bain de Fleurs chez West Elm Montréal ce samedi. Apprenez-en plus sur les ingrédients et la beauté DIY, et repartez avec votre lait ou sel de bain aux fleurs fait sur mesure! Coût de seulement $9.

Inscrivez-vous ICI.

west elm workshop

sel bain aux fleurs DIY

DIY flower bath workshop at west elm montreal

Inscrivez-vous ICI.

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Discover our favourite products of the summer and enjoy some well deserved self-care under the sun!

xoxo, Anne + the Dot & Lil Team