made by hand on

I've decided to add a new feature to some of Dot & Lil's products. Starting with any batch made in the last week, each item will feature a small "made by hand on: day/month/year" label on the bottom. The only product that I'm excluding from this is soap, as basically the only thing that happens to soap over time is that the scent fades and so freshness is less of a salient concern.

Dot & Lil bath truffles, body butters, lip balms, bath salts and other various products will all be marked with the day they were handcrafted. This allows me to keep track of my batches so that should any problems arise, I know exactly what batch you are talking about. I also kind of like the idea of people getting one more indication that a real person put together the item in their hands!

My best advice is to use Dot & Lil products when you get them! Bath & body products, just like food, are at their best when they are freshest. Just like the oils you cook with, the luxurious skin-loving oils we use to formulate our products will eventually go rancid. We know they're pretty and you want to keep looking at use them up and then buy more!

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Discover our favourite products of the summer and enjoy some well deserved self-care under the sun!

xoxo, Anne + the Dot & Lil Team