hope and magic

I know I've talked about Seth Godin before, but...wow. Did this post ever just speak directly to me, in terms of what I'm feeling with my business these days.

"If your business or your music or your art or your project is truly worth your energy and your passion, then don't sell it short by putting its future into a lottery ticket.", he says. And I see what he means. It's easy, sometimes, to get a little caught up in fairy tale visions of being featured on Martha Stewart and your business skyrocketing to a point of no return within weeks. And don't get me wrong, these things do happen. And there's nothing wrong with wanting them. I guess the danger is in doing more wishing than step-taking.

The thing is, progress is slow when you are building a business. Very slow. It's also not constant, it ebbs and flows and drives you crazy. But wishing for a one-shot solution can keep you away from the painstaking, ever-so-slow, true work of making your growing vision a reality.

I want to think big. I want a huge vision, one so big that people laugh at me for thinking I can make it happen. But I also want to keep doing the real work that can bring me there, not sit around waiting for a fairy tale. Just like in my life, my business will be what I am ready for it to be. Baby steps!

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